Introducing Pet Poetics: An Interview Series with Poets about Their Animals & Art

Let's call this what it is: a mission statement. And an invitation.

I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while now, but you know what? I want to hear what you have to say. Specifically, I want to talk to other poets whose lives and art have been affected by the animals they keep and care for.

My own experience tells me this companionship is profound but often dismissed. I've heard the most big-hearted people say after my dog died that "at least it wasn't a family member." OH REALLY NOW.

Look, I get it. Animals can't talk. They can't write poems. They don't go to their little dog jobs and earn little dog wages and put them in the little dog bank.

But you can't tell me that my dogs haven't played a role in fine-tuning my empathy. You can't tell me they haven't rafted me through some of the lowest points of my life. You can't tell me they aren't family. 

So that's what this space is for: to give these relationships the spotlight they deserve and to explore how our animals shape us and our work.

What I Can Promise You

  • There will be animal pictures. A lot of them. 
  • Each interview will be distinct, showcase the poet's unique perspective, and explore their work.
  • Poets are welcome to share poems inspired by or about their pets (though not required). 
  • You'll probably discover some new poets and your life will be better for it.

What I Can't Promise You

  • Fame.
  • Fortune.
  • Eternal life.


Get in touch, and we'll nerd out about poems and your pets. I'm excited to hear and share your stories.


Amie Whittemore: The End of an Era